It’s still springtime, but the past few days certainly have felt like summer. Hot, humid and filled with pool parties and barbecues.

The change of seasons is a time of transition. We’re suddenly wearing our flip flops instead of our boots. The winter blankets come off the bed, the air conditioners go into the windows. We stop putting layers on the baby – just a onsie will do.

These times of seasonal transition can be startling, even disorienting. But they also offer us opportunities to refresh, rejuvenate, and let go. We can shed the things we no longer need and open ourselves to what the new season has to offer. A new season enlivens us, recharges us, and gets our creative juices going.

Like the change in seasons, every time we come to the yoga mat is an opportunity to cleanse, reflect, invigorate, and start anew. Especially during  times of transition, yoga can help us find our balance in an otherwise topsy turvy climate.