Like many babies, the first thing Gia called me was “Mama”.  Sweet, precious word.

A while later, it became “Mommy”. Sweet, precious word.

Very recently, she’s taken to sometimes calling me “Mom.” There’s something so grown up about it, and I’m just not sure I’m ready for that! But, ready or not, here we are. I’m having to face the word ‘mom’.

What have I found when I really look at it?  Well what do you know!  I’ve found om. (Just take away the first m, and there it is!) 

Om is said to be the vibration of all of the sounds in the universe. Om is chanted in yoga classes to connect us to that vibration, and to connect us to one another. Om is chanted to center us, to quiet the mind, to bring us into the moment, to ease the heart, to lift the spirit.

As new mamas, and then as new “moms”, who couldn’t use a little Om?? Who couldn’t use a little centering, a little quieting, a little lifting?

I like to think that on Wednesdays, in Mama and Baby Yoga, Om is the collective vibrations of all of the moms in the universe, sharing this universal experience called motherhood and lifting each other up.

Come find the Om in Mom.